
Friday, April 7, 2017

free writing

this week i have done free writing about how the guardians of the galaxy came together

This is story of how the guardians of the galaxy came together Image result for star lord
This is star lord the only one in the universe how has the time blaster
The first warrior they picked up rocket raccoon rocket wasn't fond of star lord when star lord went into rockets room he was aiming the gun and then rocket said “why are you here” then starlord said “i'm here to recruit you we both now we're getting hunted we need to try and destroy them you with me or are you not” rocket said  “i'll join don't make me regret this” the next person they recruited was drax the destroyer i honestly didn't think drax would join them but he had no choice Image result for gamoraImage result for rocket raccoonImage result for drax the destroyer

Because the people star lord and rocket wanted to destroy killed drax's mum so he joined the next person how was recruited was gamora she had intl they wanted and got it to them in phenomenal form so the hired her him and rocket had instant bond but the only problem was that he could only say i am groot and guess what rocket understood groot so there you have it the team we now know as the guardians of the this perfect team was ready take anyone on.Image result for grootImage result for guardians of the galaxy

1 comment:

  1. cool free writing Eben I like the phioios you youad


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